Convert Between Time Zones

Convert a date/time from an origin time zone to a destination time zone. Each parameter (day, month, year, and time) can be manually entered or can be copied from values stored in variables. To learn more about the correct formats for these parameters, see A NOTE ABOUT FORMATTING. Note that for this command, there is only one time parameter (which should be formatted as hh:mm).

  1. Enter the date and time at the origin time zone (can be entered manually or copied from values stored in variables).

  2. Choose to specify the origin time zone by selecting from the list or by entering the value (either manually or copied from a value stored in a variable).

  3. Choose to specify the destination time zone by selecting from the list or by entering the value (either manually or copied from a value stored in a variable).

  4. Indicate whether daylight savings time should be considered in the conversion.

  5. Enter the names of the variables into which you'd like to place the result.

  6. Instruct the wizard how to handle any errors encountered. Read more about error handling.