Calculate Time Range

Determine the number of hours, minutes, or seconds between 2 specified times.

Each time parameter (hour, minutes, seconds) must be stored in its own variable. Therefore, when using this command, you are working with a total of 6 variables – 3 variables for each of the 2 times in the range.

To learn more about the correct formats for these variables, see A NOTE ABOUT FORMATTING.

  1. Choose whether you'd like the result of the calculation to be presented in hours, minutes, or seconds; and

    Enter the names of the variables in which each of the individual time parameters is stored for both the from time and to time

    • To prevent errors when the wizard is run, ensure that the values of the variables are within the listed ranges

      It's easy to check variable values as they would stand at any point during execution of the wizard by using the View Variable List command.

  2. Enter the name of the variable into which you'd like to place the result.

  3. Instruct the wizard how to handle any errors encountered. Read more about error handling.

  4. Your HR department needs to provide management with a report of all employees who clocked in late for their scheduled shift, including the amount of time by which they were late. A combination of two Date and Time Commands can help you get this done in a snap:

  5. Use the Compare Time command to compare whether the shift start time is before the clock-in time for each employee.

  6. For the employees for whom this comparison is TRUE, use the calculate time RANGE command to determine the amount of time by which they were late.