Enabling Multi-Tenancy Support

Multi-tenancy support is available at the license segregation level. It allows you to:

  • Link specific libraries to specific companies.

  • Activate Credential Vault on multiple companies.

  • Display only the company-linked-libraries on the client side (on the user's Console/Studio/Robot).

You can activate another level of user access and segregation on the Company level by simply connecting a Library to a Company.

Using this segregation level lets users under the intended Company to have access ONLY to the linked libraries. Which also means that the users under a specific Company, that is linked to specific libraries.

This option becomes available once you have more than one company.

Simply click a Library and link it to the relevant Companies.


Important Notes:

  • When upgrading to Nintex version 20.9, you must re-link the libraries to the intended companies.

  • Upgrading from version 20.9 to any future version will keep your linked companies and libraries SAVED as intended.

  • Upgrading to version 20.9 (i.e., from License Type 1 to Type 2) requires new licensing on the company level. The new license is provided by Nintex Customer Support.

  • Linking a Library to more than one company requires attention to the status of the Credentials Vault.

About Credentials Vault and linking a company to more than one library

If your library is linked to a company with the Credentials Vault ON, and you attempt to link your library to additional company, the second company must have the Credentials Vault OFF.

This means that if a library is linked to more than one company, only one of the linked companies can have the Credentials Vault ON.

This is because that in terms of verification and validation, the library credentials are protected and CANNOT be shared with other companies.


Library 3 is linked to two companies, Company 1 and Company 2. In this case, the Credentials Vault in Company 1 is OFF while in Company 2 is ON.

The working scenarios that are optional in this case are either to:

Turn OFF the Credentials Vault on both companies


Turn ON the Credentials Vault only on one Company.