Configuring Server Connection
Follow these steps to configure the client's connection to the RPA server:
With a text editor, open the following configuration files:
For robot clients: Replace "version" with your specific Nintex RPA Robot version number:
CopyC:\Program Files\Nintex RPA Robot\version\Config\appSettings.config
For Nintex Studio:
CopyC:\Program Files\Nintex RPA Studio\Config\appSettings.config
Find the line that begins:
<add key="MainServerNames"
, and change the value to the FQDN of the RPA server (full computer name).-
The full line should now read:
<add key="MainServerNames" value="<FQDN of the RPA Server>" />
If the server was installed using the default ports, the following values do not need to be changed. If you opened non-default ports when you installed the server, change the values of the following parameters:
NetComPort: Set this to the port number used for the Net.TCP port.
Copy<add key="NetComPort" value="<server port number used for Net.TCP Port>" />
HttpComPort: Set this to the port number used for the HTTP port.
Copy<add key="HttpComPort" value="<server port number used for HTTP Port>" />
HttpsComPort: Set this to the port number used for the NGINX Port (relevant to TSL/SSL only).
Copy<add key="HttpsComPort" value="<server port number used for NGINX Port>" />
HttpServicesPort: Set this to the port that is used to connect to the server (80 for HTTP, 443 for HTTPS, or any custom port that might have been used during installation).
Copy<add key="HttpServicesPort" value="80" />