Call REST API Method

Interact with internal and external REST APIs.

  1. Select the request method. The available methods are:

    • GET: used to get a resource from a server

    • POST: used to create a new resource on a server

    • PUT: used to update a resource on a server

    • DELETE: used to delete a resource from a server

  2. Enter the URL (i.e., endpoint) to which the request should be sent

    (root-endpoint/path/query parameters).

  3. Enter the headers to be used in the request:

    • To add a header, click the + Add header link

      • Enter the header property name (using free text and/or values copied from different variables)

      • Enter the header property value (using free text and/or values copied from different variables)

    To delete an existing header, click its button.

  4. If the API requires authentication, choose to:

    • Enter them manually (in the Username and Password fields that appear when this option is selected); or

    • Retrieve them from the Nintex Credentials Vault (and select the relevant user from the vault)

  5. (Optional) When using the POST or PUT method, enter the information you want to send to the server (i.e., body).

  6. Enter the maximum time the wizard should wait for the API server to process the request.

  7. Choose whether to return a status code received from the API server in a variable; and

    Enter the name of the variable in which to return it.

  8. Choose whether to return response content received from the API server in a variable; and Enter the name of the variable in which to return it.