Encrypt the Credentials Vault

You only need to do this once!

To provide an even higher level of security, Nintex added advanced encryption to the Credentials Vault. This topic describes the procedure for encrypting the Credentials Vault from prior versions. You need to follow this procedure only one time: when you upgrade from a Nintex version prior to 19.3.

If you were using a Nintex version 19.3 or higher before the current upgrade, you can skip this step.

Failure to encrypt the Credentials Vault will cause all wizards that utilize stored credentials to fail.

How do I know if the Credentials Vault was already encrypted?

To check if the Credentials Vault has been encrypted:

  1. From the menu in Nintex Studio's main window, click Tools > Credentials Vault

  1. If the Credentials Vault requires encryption, a caution message will appear at the bottom of the Credentials Vault window

Running the Migration Tool to encrypt the Credentials Vault

To encrypt the Credentials Vault:

  1. Close Nintex Studio

  2. Navigate to {InstallFolder}\RPA\Migration Tool 64bit

  3. Run the application LeoScriptsMigrationTool.exe

  4. Log in a user with the Studio user role (to learn more about user roles, see the Nintex Admin Tool User Guide – User Management: An Overview)

  5. In the ribbon, click the Encrypt Vault button

  6. When the confirmation dialog appears, click the Yes button

  7. The encryption process will begin, and its status will be displayed in the Migration Log pane (on the right-hand side of the window)

  8. When the encryption process ends, confirm that it has completed successfully

Confirming successful encryption

To confirm successful Credentials Vault encryption:

  1. Access the Credentials Vault from Nintex Studio, as described above

  2. Check to be sure that the caution message no longer appears at the bottom of the Credentials Vault window


-I came here while upgrading, take me back to the upgrading steps overview-