Divide the contents of a variable into 2 parts and place each part into a separate variable. (This is often called parsing in computer-speak.)
You can choose to split the variable:
At the occurrence of a specific character (called a delimiter); or
At a numbered location within the variable (i.e., by character position)
Enter the name of the variable you want to split
Enter the delimiter or numbered character position at which you want to split the variable (can include free text and/or values copied from different variables)
Enter the names of the variables into which you'd like to place the 2 parts of the original variable
Indicate if you want to remove any blank spaces at the beginning and end of these variables (includes: <Space> <Tab> and <Enter>)
How exactly is the variable split?
1st variable = the part of the original variable preceding the delimiter
2nd variable = the part of the original variable following the delimiter
The delimiter is erased
Character position:
1st variable = the part of the original variable up to and including the character position specified
2nd variable = the part of the original variable following the delimiter
Spaces are included when counting character position
Using SPLIT in combination with LOOP
SPLIT is one of the many advanced commands that is often used in combination with Loop. When using SPLIT within a loop, it is often useful to split the original variable as follows:
Place one of the parts into a new variable
Overwrite the "pre-split" value of the original variable with the "post-split" value
Learn more about the Loop command
Extracting information from a long text file
Let's say you have all the text from a new employee's CV stored in a variable named cv text. You'd like to extract only the necessary details and input them into your HR system. To start, extract the employee's name as follows:
Place everything prior to the employee name into a variable named
trash. Keep the employee name and everything following it in
cv text.
cv text =
1234 Main Street; Independence,
Missouri 64052; Home – (816) 555-1234;
Mobile – (816) 444-5678; Name: Harry
S. Truman; Position sought: POTUS;
Prior Experience: Senator, Vice
President; Favorite expression: The
buck stops here.
trash =
1234 Main Street; Independence,
Missouri 64052; Home – (816) 555-1234;
Mobile – (816) 444-5678;
cv text =
Harry S. Truman; Position sought:
POTUS; Prior Experience: Senator, Vice
President; Favorite expression: The
buck stops here.
Place the employee name into a variable named
ename and everything after it into
ename =
Harry S. Truman
trash =
Position sought: POTUS; Prior
Experience: Senator, Vice President;
Favorite expression: The buck stops here.