Configure the Set a View's Properties Action

Use the Set a View's properties action when you want to change the properties of a view at runtime. For example, you may have a form used for registering new students as well as entering results after the student completes a course. By setting a view's Visible property, you can hide or show the views you want for the different ways the form is used.

Example: In the image below, you see the Student Registration Form (in design time) with three views: Student Details Item, Add Student Course Results, and Saved Student Course Results. To register new students, you show the Student Details Item view and hide the other two views. To enter results for courses completed, you show all three views.

Design time refers to the environment that hosts K2 Designer, the tool used to build views, forms, and SmartObjects. Runtime refers to the environment where you view or interact with forms, such as a browser window.

Student Registration Form

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