The Charts tab of the View Flow represents the activities in relation to each other graphically. The Pie Chart is opened by default. When hovering over an activity, the activity name is displayed with the running duration.
Click on the Bar Chart icon to open the Bar Chart. To return to the Pie Chart, simply click on the Pie Chart Icon.
Bar Chart icon |
Pie Chart Icon |
When clicking on the Activity within the Bar Chart or Pie Chart, the Activity Details dialog opens from where the Overview, Participants and Process Data can be selected. In the Pie Chart, the Activities in the box on the right can alternatively be clicked to open the Activity Details.
The Refresh interval can be changed in the web.config file by editing the value in the following node:
<add key="ViewFlowRefreshTime" value="30" />
The web.config file can be found in the following location:
The value is recorded in seconds and the default value is 30 seconds. The Minimum value that can be applied is 15 seconds. If a 0 or -1 in entered, the value will default to 30.