Administer Apps from the App Catalog
This section describes how to administer apps. The administration tools you use depend on your permission level. By default, K2 assigns the account used during app creation as the app administrator. The app administrator can:
- add, edit and remove users from the app administrators list
- add, edit and remove users from the installers list
- edit certain data fields and properties for an app
- share the app with other users
- add the app to the Favorites menu on the Favorite Apps workspace
For more information on how to assign rights to the app, see the Authorization Overview topic.
As an app administrator, you see the Administration icon on the app landing page. If you are not the app owner, you do not see the icon.App administrator icons
App user icons
App Administration
This section describes administration of apps and how to configure them.
Images in this section may be different from what you see in your environment. Administering an app depends on the specific one you are working with.
Follow the steps below to perform administration duties:
- Open an app by launching it from either the All option in the Build section or My Apps list. This list shows apps you create, apps created by other users to which you have access, and apps installed from the App Catalog. From this list, you can open apps to administer. Select the app and click Launch to access the Administration feature for the app.
- From the app landing page, click the Administration icon.
- The Administration page shows. At the top of the page you'll find tab options in the Menu bar. The menu contains a tab for app administration settings as well as other tabs to define lookup values of the app.
- Lookup values include options such as country, city, currency and anything typically shown in a drop down menu. It could also include destination users (approvers) for workflows. To configure the lookup values, select the relevant tab in the Menu bar. In this example, you can change the document categories for the Document Review app. Select the Document Categories tab.
- The Document Categories section contains a list of categories. At runtime this shows as a drop-down menu on the request form but you can customize this according to your needs. Click Add to add a new category. To edit an existing category, click Edit. To delete and item from the list, click Delete. To save changes made to the list, click Save. Click Refresh to refresh the items in the list.
- On the Menu bar, select the Application Administrators and Settings tab. In this example, the Document Review app is selected.
The following options are available:
- To exit the administration page, click on the K2 Logo or the application name in the Applications or Favorites sections.