What does it do?
The Placeholder is a workflow event that can be used as a design-time placeholder to represent a future event to be configured in the design view of your workflow.
How is it used?
When adding the Placeholder event on the design canvas, no interaction is required and no action will be performed by this event during the course of a running worfklow instance. Outcomes can be configured from the Placeholder event or the workflow can end at this event.
The Placeholder event is used for testing purposes. When designing a workflow and the workflow needs to be tested when the design is not complete, the Placeholder event can be used on the steps not configured yet. Notes can be added to the Placeholder event regarding the step it represents. Right click on the Placeholder event on the design canvas and select Notes.
When you are ready to add actual events at a later point in the design of the workflow, replace the Placeholder events with actual events.
Wizards can be edited. For more information see Edit Wizards.