Category Tree: Search and Filter

The search functionality at the top of the category tree allows you to easily find the item you want to work with. Type a value in the search box to list the results. You can use the search filter to manage the display of items.

Feature Description How to use it
Search Returns items based on the search criteria Type a letter or word to refine the search. The results appear in the category tree. Click on the x to clear the search
Contains Returns items that contain the letter or word typed in the search box Type a letter or word that contains the phrase to search for. The results appear in the category tree. Click on the x to clear the search.
Begins With Returns items that begin with the letter or word typed in the search box Type a letter or word that begins with the phrase to search for. The results appear in the category tree. Click on the x to clear the search.
Ends With Returns items that end with the letter or word typed in the search box Type a letter or word that ends with the phrase to search for. The results appear in the category tree. Click on the x to clear the search.
Equals Returns items that are an exact match for the letter or word typed in the search box Type a letter or word that are an exact match for the phrase to search for. The results appear in the category tree. Click on the x to clear the search.
Not Equals Returns items that do NOT match the letter or word typed in the search box Type a letter or word that does NOT match the phrase to search for. The results appear in the category tree. Click on the x to clear the search.