Single Server / Standalone

The Standalone deployment scenario is best suited for low-load environments such as a development or proof of concept environment. Since you install all components on the same physical server as the K2 Server, there are no credentials that need to be passed between servers.

The following topology does not include integration with SharePoint. If you require SharePoint integration see the appropriate SharePoint section: SharePoint 2013, 2016 and Online.

Standalone Install
User Machine ( None)
Single Application Server Internet Information Server (IIS) K2 Site:
  • K2 smartforms runtime site
  • K2 designer site
  • K2 Workspace (Desktop)
  • K2 Management site

Application Server:
  • K2 server

Package and Deployment
K2 Setup Manager
K2 Core

Database (SQL) Server:
  • K2 database


  • Although all components on a single machine are simple to install and maintain, and reduce the possibility of additional security requirements to support impersonation between machines, the processing capabilities of one physical machine may introduce performance issues.
  • Additional RAM, a faster processor or improved disk and network throughput may be required to maintain an acceptable level of performance.
  • The smartforms Design Time and Runtime sites, Workspace, Management site are hosted on the same IIS Server as separate sites.
  • User credentials are not passed between servers, which can help to reduce the complexity of the installation
    • If you have defined unique host names/aliases for the various components with the view toward separating out the components into a distributed environment at a later stage, be aware that additional security configuration for impersonation/delegation may be required, since a "lookup" to a hostname counts as a "hop" to a separate machine.