Get a list of SourceCode.SetupManager.exe Options
Run SourceCode.SetupManager.exe /? to see help on the command line options in the console window.
Usage | Description |
SourceCode.SetupManager.exe |
/systemkey:"{path}" /output:"{filename}" /install:"{filename}" /loglevel:{loglevel} /upgrade:"{filename}" /config:"{filename}" /configcomps:{components} /var:"{varname}={varvalue}" /remove /analyze /noval /noui /allowsys |
Options | Description |
/systemkey | Get the system key for this server and write it to
the console. The /systemkey option can be used with the /noui option and/or with the :path parameter, for example SourceCode.SetupManager.exe /systemkey:"C:\Program Files\K2". K2 recommends not using the path parameter. K2 generates the system key using the K2 installation folder and other system parameters. This means that if you enter an incorrect K2 installation folder path in the path parameter, the returned key will be incorrect and you will receive licensing errors if you use this key in the future. See the path parameter in the table below for more information. If you use the /systemkey option with the /noui option for a silent installation (with no user interaction), you must use the following command: SourceCode.SetupManager.exe /noui /systemkey Using setup.exe /systemkey /noui requires you to press Enter to continue after the console displays the system key. |
/output | Generates an XML configuration file after gathering environment information by walking through Setup Manager pages. |
/install | Run the unattended (silent) installer with the specified XML file. |
/loglevel | Specify the log level to be used (optional). |
/update | Run the unattended (silent) installer to update installed components. |
/config | Configure an existing installation. |
/configcomps | Configure specified components. |
/var: | Override variables like [LICENSEKEY] and/or [USERSPASS] during installation. Use the tilde character (~) to separate multiple variable overrides. Example: SourceCode.SetupManager.exe /Update /var:[LICENSEKEY]=XXXXXXXXXXXXX~[USERSPASS]=XXXXX This is an advanced feature and can be destructive. Any variables passed in like this will be on an override list and they will not change even if they were to normally change during execution of the install. |
/remove | Remove an existing installation. |
/analyze | Analyze an existing installation to see if it is valid. |
/noval | Strips validation from the Next button on two installer panels: Exchange & SmartActions. This means that no validation takes place when the Next button is clicked.
The Test button on those panels still performs validation on demand. This action is also logged for troubleshooting purposes. |
/noui | Outputs the result of the action to the console instead of the normal UI, works with: /systemkey |
/allowsys | Stops the installer from blocking the local system account from installing. |
Examples | Description |
SourceCode.SetupManager.exe /? | Displays the command line options. |
SourceCode.SetupManager.exe /output:MyConfig.xml | Launches the Setup managers and outputs the environment settings to ‘MyConfig.xml’ file. |
SourceCode.SetupManager.exe /systemkey | Output the system key generated during the creation of the XML unattended installation file, to the console. |
SourceCode.SetupManager.exe /noui /systemkey | Output the System Key to the Console. |