Check Latest Version

You require an internet connection for this feature to be able to report accurately on the version that you are installing.

After showing the Welcome page, the K2 Installer verifies online whether the version you are installing is the latest available. Even though you may be installing the latest major version of K2, there may be an update which includes enhancements or fixes.

The version validation feature provides assistance in three ways:

  1. The version in use is correct with no further updates required.
  2. The version in use has an update available which you must download.
  3. The utility is unable to determine if there is an update.

Checking for Latest Version
Current Installed Version The version of K2 currently installed.
This Setup Manager Version The version of the installer currently being used to install the K2 product.
Latest Version Available* The version of the installer which is available from the K2 Portal.
* You need an internet connection to determine the latest version available.

What to do on this page

  1. Wait for the page to report on the versioning.
  2. Take the necessary action as reported by the user page.
  3. Click Next to proceed.