Configure Salesforce (Legacy) Integration

This content applies to legacy components (such as K2 Studio and K2 for Visual Studio), legacy assemblies, legacy services or legacy functionality. If you have upgraded from K2 blackpearl 4.7 to K2 Five, these items may still be available in your environment. These legacy items may not be available in new installations of K2 Five. These legacy items may also not be available, supported, or behave as described, in future updates or versions of K2. Please see the legacy component support policy for more information about support for these components.

K2 integrates with through the Salesforce Service Broker. One can register an instance of this broker that points to a Salesforce account, which exposes entities within that company as Service Objects that are referenced by SmartObjects. These SmartObjects can in turn be consumed by SmartForms, workflows, reports and other SmartObject consumers.

Salesforce is disabling the TSL 1.0 encryption protocol across their services in July of 2017. At that time all inbound or outbound connections to Salesforce must use TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 encryption protocol. For more information on the Salesforce changes, see the following two articles:

Also see the K2 article KB001764 for information.

Until July 2017 you can disable this TLS 1.1 requirement in your Salesforce account, reverting to TLS 1.0 and your K2 integration with Salesforce will continue to work.

The Broker Management tool, Salesforce security provider, Salesforce SmartObject Service Instance and Salesforce SmartObject Instance Generator has been updated to .NET 4 to support TLS 1.1/TLS 1.2.

Salesforce Account and System Administration
Once the WSDL (Web Services Description Language) file has been downloaded from Salesforce, an administrator account must generate the required infrastructure for the Salesforce instance. Other than facilitating a level of integration with the Salesforce site, Administrator level tasks are performed from the Salesforce site and are beyond the scope of this documentation.

Salesforce Integration Resources

There are various additional resources and extensive documentation available on the Salesforce web site which are accessible once an account has been created. For an in depth discussion on the technical aspects of the Salesforce web site, refer to the documentation provided by Salesforce which includes online help and PDFs available for download.

K2 and Salesforce

The process of integrating your organization with Salesforce is divided into a number of steps.

  1. Create a Salesforce user account and generate a security token for your password.
  2. Download the service WSDL.
  3. Prepare to generate the service instance.
  4. Generate the service instance of Salesforce in the K2 Service Broker.
  5. Cache the Salesforce credentials.
  6. Create a K2 Salesforce SmartObject and the required property mappings.
  7. Build a form that interacts with the K2 Salesforce centric SmartObject.