Configuring Okta SCIM integration for K2 Cloud

Use this guide to configure and install the K2 Cloud app in Okta. The K2 Cloud app lets you use OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code grant flow as your method of authentication and SCIM as your method of identity provisioning.



Ensure that you have the following before you start configuring Okta:

Supported Features

The following items are the current features supported by the Okta SCIM integration for a K2 Cloud instance:


Use these steps to configure the K2 Cloud app in Okta.

The user account that was on-boarded by the Nintex Cloud Operations team must be used to sign into Okta. That user should have the Application Administrator role granted to it in Okta.

K2 Cloud next steps

Sign into any K2 site within your K2 Cloud tenant using login credentials for an Okta account that was assigned in Step 2: Assign people and groups to the K2 Cloud app.

If you cannot sign in, the two most common errors and their troubleshooting tips are:

For more information on Identity Providers in K2 Cloud and the K2 Sync Service, see the K2 Cloud User Guide Identity Providers topic.