K2 Generic Settings Service

The K2 Generic Settings Service Service Type is used for storing and using personal and shared settings.

Service Authentication

The following Authentication Modes may be used with the Service Type:

Service Keys (Service Instance Configuration Settings)

Key Can be modified Data Type Sample Value Notes
ConnectionString Only in manually-registered instances. Text Data Source=SQLServerName;Initial Catalog=K2;integrated security=sspi;Pooling=True The connection string to the K2 database.

Service Objects

The K2 Generic Settings Service Instance creates Personal and Shared Settings Service Objects as shown below.


K2 automatically generates SmartObjects for these Service Objects. SmartObjects are automatically created when selecting the Generate SmartObjects for this Service Instance check box when creating a new Service Instance. Designers may use the available Service Objects in this service to create advanced SmartObjects using the available K2 SmartObject design tools. It is recommended to use the K2 Design tools to create SmartObjects rather than generating SmartObjects, since this allows better control over the naming, behavior and design of the SmartObject and its methods and properties.
