
The legacy Exchange Service Type is deprecated and has been replaced by the Exchange Administration and the Exchange Management Service Types. A clean installation of K2 will only have the new Exchange service types, and not the original Exchange service type. This Exchange Service Type should not be used, and the information in this topic is provided for backward compatibility only.

Service Keys (Service Instance Configuration Settings)

Key Can be modified Data Type Sample Value Notes
Exchange EWS URL Yes Text https://[FQDN]/ews/echange.asmx Enter the URL of the Exchange Servers Web Service
Exchange Version Yes Text Exchange2007 Enter the version of the Exchange Server
Default difference between two successive slots in the free/busy information field Yes Number 30 Enter the default amount required
Maximum amount of hours after work to consider Yes Number 0 Enter the maximum number of hours required
Maximum amount of meetings per day Yes Number 10 Enter the maximum number of meetings allowed