Workflow Server - Processes: Versions

Workflow Server - Process Versions

The default process version is used as the master process from which each process instance is generated.  Clicking on the Versions node presents a list of the Process versions.

Process Verision


Fig. 1. List of Process Versions

Option What it is How to use it
Selected Selects the Version, allowing the Set to Default Process button to be used Click on the option
Delete Process Enables the user to delete specific or all process versions and instances along with certain dependencies Click on the option
Version The Version deployment number User Reference
Version Label The Label of the Process Version User Reference
Version Description The Description of the Process Version User Reference
Version Date The date that the Version was created User Reference
Source Provides an administrator with a zipped file of the K2 Designer for Visual Studio Process Project file Click on the Download link and open or save the zip file
Export User The name of the user who deployed the Process User Reference
Default Shows which Process is set as the default Process User Reference
Sets the Version to Default Click Set to Default Process to set the selected Process to become the default Process



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)