SmartObject Services: SQL Reporting Service

SmartObject Services - SQL Reporting Service

The SQL Server Reporting Services exposes the “Export” methods for reports published to a SSRS server as SmartObject methods. This is commonly used to export SSRS reports as .pdf. image or Excel files and then attach the resulting file to an email or upload it to a SharePoint library.

The service instance must be configured for each SSRS site.

Setting Value
Reporting Service 2005 URL (Required) Enter the Reporting Service URL, e.g. http://localhost/ReportServer/ReportService2005.asmx
Report Execution Service (Required) Enter the Reporting Execution Service URL e.g. http://localhost/ReportServer/ReportExecution2005.asmx
Security Provider Enter the Security Provider - e.g. SourceCode.Hosting.SecurityProviders.SmartBox
User Name Enter the user Name - e.g. Administrator
Password Enter the associated password - e.g. K2pass
Extra Provides additional information, for example dll paths needed. (Optional)
Impersonate The impersonate option allows the K2HostServer service account to impersonate the user.

When configuring the rights the following applies:

Clicking Next will load the Service Instance Configuration screen:

Option What it is How to use it
System Name The name of the SmartObject Service Enter the name of the SmartObject Service
Display Name A user friendly name for the SmartObject Service Enter a user friendly name for the SmartObject Service
Description A description for the SmartObject Service Enter a description for the SmartObject Service

Edit SQL Reporting Service

To edit a Service Instance, select the Service Instance, then click Edit. The Edit Service Instance screen will be loaded with the information as provided previously. Edit the information as required and click Save.



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