Add XML field

Adding an XML Datafield

Right click on the Activity/Process Data Browser and expand the nodes until the XML Field node is visible. Right click on the Activity or Process and select Add.

Option What it is How to use it
Name The name of the XML Field that will be displayed within the Object Browser Enter a name for the XML Field
Category The category options govern where the XML Field is accessible from
Select the required category from the drop down
Description The custom description of the XML Field Enter a description for the XML Field
Hidden Prevents the XML Field from begin shown in the Object Browser Click on the check box
Keep Log Keeps of log of the XML Field Click on the check box
On Demand Selecting this option ensures that K2 Server only loads XML Fields when and if required either by reading a value or setting a value in a data field. The Data on demand option impacts the performance of K2 Server Click on the check box
Keep Audit This option enables you to keep track of the changes made during the execution of the workflow process and is by default already selected. Click on the check box
Option What it is How to use it
Initial Value The value contained within the XML Node at the beginning of the Activity or Process Enter the required value
Generates a sample of XML Click on the Generate sample XML File button
Saves the XML to a file on the local system Click on the Save to XML File button
Option What it is How to use it
Metadata Metadata describes how and when and by whom a particular set of data was collected, and how the data is formatted. Enter any required metadata
Option What it is How to use it
Available Schemas Describes the structure and the content constraints of the XML Enter an XML Schema


Browse the local file system and load an XML Schema

Initial Values

When XML fields are created, as a design practice ensure that the fields are not created as null values. Ensure that when the fields are created, they are provided with an initial value.

<XMLDocument xmlns:xsi =http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance>

The initial value is a value created during design time and the data field within the process will retain that value for each instance of the process when the process is instantiated.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)