Process General Properties Wizard

Process General Properties

The General Properties Wizard captures and maintains the details pertaining to the Process.

Feature What it is How to use it
Name Defines the name of the process The name uniquely identifies the process within the context of the project.
Description Describes the process in native language Use this field to provide a description of what the process accomplishes in the context of the project.
Metadata The metadata describes the data content with the project Add metadata that defines the process.
Priority Prioritize the process The priority level set on the process will appear in K2 WorkSpace visually identifying the process's priority level.
Expected Duration Captures the time allocated to an instance of the process The expected duration sets a maximum time allowed for the process to complete. This enables the process execution time and actions required to be monitored to ensure that the process instance is actioned and or completed.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)