How to configure the Service Instance

SQL Server Service - How to configure the Service Instance

To configure the SQL Server Service Instance the following steps needs to be performed:


Open K2 Workspace

Click on the Management menu and select the Management Console menu item

Expand the relevant server

Expand the SmartObject menu item

Expand the Services item

Select the SQL Server Service

Click on the Add button

Enter a Database name in the required Database text box

Enter a Server name in the required Server text box

Specify whether the Database resides on a different SQL Server than where the K2 Databases are located in the On Different SQL Server text box, if relevant

Click Next

A system name will automatically be generated.  Edit the System Name if needed.


A display name will automatically be generated.  Edit the Display Name if needed.

Provide a detailed description of the new Service Instance in the Description text box.

Click Save.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)