How to configure the Service Instance

K2 Management Console - How to configure the Service Instance

When configuring an instance for ADService2, the LDAP and NETBIOSNAME entries are semi-colon (;) separated lists to allow multi-domain per service instance. 

The sequence of the LDAP entries must correspond with the NETBIOSNAME entries. 

Example:  In this example two domains are configured; Domain1 and Domain2.
     LDAP:                    LDAP://DC=DOMAIN1,DC=COM;LDAP://DC=DOMAIN2,DC=COM

To configure the K2 AD Service2 the following steps needs to be performed:

Open K2 Workspace

Click on the Management menu and select the Management Console menu item

Expand the relevant server

Expand the SmartObject menu item

Expand the Services item

Select the AD Service2

Click on the Add button

Enter the LDAP path in the required LDAP text box

Enter a NetBIOS name in the required NETBIOSNAME text box.
NOTE: The sequence in which the LDAP paths were added must correspond to the sequence in which the NETBIOSNAME were added.


Fig. 1. AD Service

Service Instance Configuration
RAISEERROR This can be True or False
ResolveNestedGroups This can be True or False
Security Provider: The security provider label is mapped to the security provider created for the service types.
User Name: User name to access the CRM Server
Password: User Password
Extra: No information is actually required in this field for the CRM5 security providers. We do not use this field during registration, we use the actual URL specified in the instance.
Impersonate The impersonate option allows the K2HostServer service account to impersonate the user.
Enforce Impersonation This is a Pass-through Authentication option. If Enforce Impersonation is not checked, and K2 Pass-through Authentication fails for the impersonated user, the service will revert to the K2 Service Account, and retry. If Enforce Impersonation is checked, the service will not revert to the K2 Service Account if it fails with the impersonated user.

When configuring the rights the following applies:

Stored procedures that return multiple record sets are not currently supported.

Edit AD Service

To edit a Service Instance, select the Service Instance, then click Edit. The Edit Service Instance screen will be loaded with the information as provided previously. Edit the information as required and click Save.



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