Wizard Walk Through

IPC Event Wizard - Wizard Navigation

This walk through section provides the practical details required to populate and complete the wizard.

The Inter Process Communication (IPC) Wizard is available within the Event Wizards section of the K2 Toolbar. To load the IPC Event onto the canvas, click and drag the item onto the design canvas. The IPC Event Configuration wizard will run a few moments after the event is loaded onto the canvas.

IPC Event Wizard Stream Welcome Screen Process, Folio and Type of Call Connections Process Field Mappings Finished

Feature What it is
Welcome Screen Describes the IPC Event Wizard
Process to be called Specifies the type of process to be called
Select a Process* Allows the user to browse within the environment for the Process
Connection Screen Specifies the authentication options for the IPC event
Process Field Mappings Provides the ability to map process level fields between the parent and the child process.
Finish Screen Marks the end of the IPC Event Wizard.
* The Select a process is a sub screen of the Process to be called.



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