Item Reference Event Wizard - Using the Reference Field

An Example Scenario of Using a Reference Item

As a simple example, consider the following scenario:


  1. Configure an Item Reference Event:
    1. Configure the Wizard to point to the relevant SharePoint list
    2. Set up the mappings so that “Created By” equals “Henry”
    3. You will also be required to create an Item Reference Field
  2. Configure an Update List Item Event:
    1. Select the “Update from Content Field” action from the Update List Item Event
    2. Select the Item Reference created in the previous step as your Content Field
    3. Assign a value to the “Comment” column


When the process is executed, all the items created by Henry will be updated with the value supplied in the “Comment” column.

Also note that the Item Reference will only get populated at runtime, so each time a new process is started, it will go and resolve all items that were created by Henry, even if he has removed some of the items.



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