Group Providers

K2 Management Console - Add Group Providers

Group Providers are registered to enable the use of SharePoint Groups. When installing K2, a Group Provider is automatically registered to the Process Portal created by the installer. Should the need exist, Group Providers can be manually registered on other sites by selecting K2 Workspace > User Managers > Group Providers and clicking Add.

Fig. 1. Group Providers

Fig. 2. Add Group Provider

Field Description
Provider Name The name of the SharePoint Group Provider. Normally this is created by the K2 installer, but can be manually created as mentioned above.
Site URL The URL of the site on which the SharePoint Group Provider is registered. This should always be the root directory.
It is not advised to register a Group Provider on a SharePoint sub site as this will have a negative performance impact

Edit Group Providers

To Edit a Group Provider, select the Group Provider and click Edit. The Provider Name will be disabled as this can not change, but the site URL to which the Group Provider should be registered can be edited. Click OK.

Fig. 3. Edit Group Providers

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)