Exchange Integration

The K2 Setup Manager uses Exchange Autodiscover to populate the Exchange server settings. If Autodiscover is not enabled on the Exchange server, you must manually configure the settings. It is recommended that Autodiscover be available in your environment prior to installation.

You need to set up a mailbox for the K2 service account before starting the installation as this mailbox is used for the configuration of SmartActions. If you do not plan to use SmartActions you should configure an SMTP server so that the K2 server can send task notifications.

Autodiscover is used before making a call to Exchange to query an available Exchange server. This allows K2 to continue functioning if a single Exchange server is offline.

The configured account, typically the K2 service account’s, is used for the discovery process. Using the Autodiscover service to find the most appropriate URL for the specified user's mailbox instead of using a hard-coded EWS URL means that your workflow always uses the correct EWS URL for that particular mailbox. Autodiscover determines the best endpoint for a particular user (the endpoint that is closest to the user's mailbox server).

Use Outlook's Test E-mail AutoConfiguration tool to troubleshoot Exchange Autodiscover issues and to retrieve the EWS URL. Open the tool by Ctrl+right-clicking the Outlook icon in the system tray. Use the email address of the SmartActions account in the Email Address field as SmartActions uses that account and your account may have a different proxy server.

For more information see the following KB articles:
Understanding the Exchange Integration changes in K2 4.6
How To: Working with K2 Exchange Integration