Certificate and Internet Requirements in K2

Carefully read this section to determine where and when you need K2 web sites and endpoints to be signed by a valid certificate and available on the internet.

Using a Certificate

K2 recommends using a certificate issued by a Certification Authority (CA) that is trusted by Windows, and that the same certificate is used for all K2 web sites and endpoints.

Keep in mind, however, that K2 generates and uses a self-signed certificate for web sites selected during installation that do not already have certificates.

Although this self-signed certificate or a domain certificate can be used, it is primarily for test scenarios. It is highly recommended that a certificate issued by a trusted CA is used to avoid both browser and remote event receiver certificate errors.

SharePoint Online requires that the certificate associated with SharePoint remote event receiver endpoint in K2 (https://{K2WebSite}/SP15EventService/RemoteEventService.svc) be issued by a CA that is trusted by Windows.

Errors associated with SharePoint Online remote event receivers, including invalid certificates, may take up to 24 hours to appear in the SharePoint Online logs (if at all).

You must be aware of your requirements when choosing an SSL certificate. For example, a single wildcard certificate for *.domain.com, works for the following domains:

However, because the wildcard certificate only covers one level of sub-domains, the following domains are not valid for the *.domain.com certificate:

Exposing K2 Sites on the Internet

The K2 web sites and SharePoint remote event receiver endpoints may need to be accessible on the internet depending on your scenario.