K2 Setup Manager Configuration Summary

The Configuration Summary screen displays the options captured by the Setup Manager Wizard. Confirm that the summary reflects the options you want to install, because once the Setup Manager starts the installation, the installer cannot be interrupted.

Feature Description
Print Allows you to print your configuration settings. This can be a useful record of the configuration details.
Copy Allows you to copy the contents of the screen to your clipboard. This can be a useful record of the configuration details.
Back Navigate in reverse order through the wizard to make changes.
Next Continues the installation by opening the additional actions page.
Cancel Cancel the current installation session.

What to do on this page

To make changes:

  1. Click Back to navigate in reverse order through the Setup Wizard pages to locate the page that requires an update.
  2. Make the change.
  3. Click the Next button until the Configuration Summary page is displayed again.

To Install:

  1. Review the summary details to make sure the captured information is accurate.
  2. Click Next to start the installation process.