Customizing SmartActions E-mail Security on the K2 blackpearl Server

This topic details the options for customizing email security. You can configure these settings in the K2HostServer.exe.config file located at "%ProgramFiles%\K2\Host Server\Bin" . Typically email communication happens between authenticated email servers, but since this may not always be the case, the following settings and options need to be considered when configuring SmartActions. The settings are located in the configuration > messageBus > system element, and the details are as follows:

Sample Configuration Code:

<system self="K2:DENALLIX\K2Service" enableListeners="True" ambiguity="true">
   <security spamSecurity="InternalMail">
      <authorizedDomains />

In order to setup SmartActions in your K2 environment, Exchange Web Services (EWS) is required.