Anonymous Views or Forms

You can mark specific Views or Forms to be available anonymously. For example, you may wanth to expose a View / Form to public users who do not have user accounts in your organization's Identity Store. Enabling anonymous access on a View / Form would allow these external users to access that specific View / Form without having to provide credentials.

  • An Internet Information Services (IIS) web site, application or virtual directory can be configured to run anonymously; the Application Pool Account user is used to log into K2 HostServer on the site. The Anonymous Access View / Form setting is not required for this scenario. See the Anonymous Access for SmartForms Sites topic for more information.
  • The Anonymous Access View / Form setting allows a specific View / Form to be marked as anonymous. This allows the View / Form to be executed as the Application Pool Account user inside a site that normally requires authentication. The anonymous access View / Form setting is more secure and removes the need for a second site configured for anonymous access.