Adding Multiple Active Directory Domains

If your network includes multiple Active Directory domains or a new domain is added to your Active Directory infrastructure, the additional domains will not automatically be discovered by K2 or appear in K2 Workspace. K2 adds the default domain based on the domain of the account used to install K2; additional domains must be added, edited and deleted manually, preferably using K2 Workspace.

There are two options to adding additional domains to K2:

In addition to these changes, it is also necessary to modify the Workspace web.config file so that the workspace can authenticate against the additional domains: see the section Modifying the Workspace Web Site for instructions.

Whenever domains are added, removed or edited, the K2 blackpearl service must be restarted.
Parent-child domains are supported. If using domains in different forests, a one- or two-way trust relationship must be established. The type of relationship required depends on your environment.