4.6.3 Total Duration: 82.4220151 seconds K2 blackpearl Server -------------------- The task is not complete as one or more of its dependencies failed. Duration: 0 seconds K2 Performance Counter Group Permission --------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. "The account INSTALL\k2server exists in group ""Performance Log Users""." Duration: 0.0625228 seconds Message Queuing Enabled ----------------------- Analysis Result: Failed. MSMQ Directory Service Integration has not been detected on this system. "MSMQ Workgroup flag in the registry is incorrect, its value should be 0 for domain machines." Duration: 0 seconds Administrative - Exchange Integration Permissions ------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Warning. The K2 Service Account is not a member of the View-Only Organization Management Active Directory group. The user INSTALL\k2server is not a member of the Recipient Management Active Directory Group. Duration: 0.2657219 seconds Standard - Exchange Integration Permissions ------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The user DENALLIX\K2Service has the necessary Exchange Impersonation permissions on the Exchange server DLX. Duration: 4.8632812 seconds K2 blackpearl Server Running ---------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The service K2 blackpearl Server is started. Duration: 0.0312462 seconds ` Log on as a batch job --------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The Domain Users group has sufficient rights. Duration: 0 seconds Host Server Namespace Permissions --------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. "K2 SmartObject Services make use of the self-hosting capabilities of WCF to create the endpoints hosted by HostServer.exe. The account that executes HostServer.exe (typically the K2 Service account, or the logged in user when running in console mode) requires access to the HTTP namespace that will be hosting the endpoints as well as cross-domain policies. Access is granted automatically to any users in the Local Administrators group. However, if the account running HostServer.exe is not in the Local Administrators group, then explicit rights must be granted." The following command will grant explicit rights to the K2 Service account (INSTALL\k2server) for the SmartObject Services endpoints. netsh http add urlacl url=http://SA-DC-PETER.Install.local:8888/ user=INSTALL\k2server NOTE: This command must be executed anytime the service port or service account is changed. Duration: 0.0781511 seconds SmartObject Services -------------------- Analysis Result: Information. The K2 SmartObject Services expose system (out-of-the-box) and custom SmartObject data and methods to non K2 environments. This allows custom applications and Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) to consume and supply K2 SmartObject data. Duration: 0 seconds User Manager Caching -------------------- Analysis Result: Information. The user 'K2:INSTALL\k2server' will be cached when the next call is made to the user manager. Duration: 0 seconds "In order to ensure that SmartActions has up-to-date information about the listener account, the User Role Manager cache should be flagged for refresh. This will ensure that the cached listener account information is updated next time it is required." "To manually flag the SmartActions User for a refresh, follow the steps described in the link below." Duration: 0.0253906 seconds Database Rebuild Indexes ------------------------ Analysis Result: Passed. The Rebuild Indexes jobs were created successfully and are currently running. The following indexes were rebuilt successfully: • K2ServerLog • K2Server • K2SmartBroker Duration: 0.6757813 seconds ----------------------------- Analysis Result: Information. The INSTALL\k2server account needs to be in the Organization's PrivUserGroup for CRM. This is a requirement in CRM when using K2 Pass-Through Authentication (ClientWindows) where the K2Service Account needs to impersonate as the Application Pool account when the account is anonymous. This change needs to be made in Active Directory. Duration: 0 seconds File System Permissions ----------------------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds C:\Windows\Temp --------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account INSTALL\k2server has Full Control permissions on C:\Windows\Temp. Duration: 0.0312602 seconds C:\Program Files (x86)\K2 blackpearl\Host Server\Bin ---------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account INSTALL\k2server has Modify permissions on C:\Program Files (x86)\K2 blackpearl\Host Server\Bin. Duration: 0.0156301 seconds C:\Program Files (x86)\K2 blackpearl\ServiceBroker -------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users has Full Control permissions on C:\Program Files (x86)\K2 blackpearl\ServiceBroker. Duration: 0.0468903 seconds MSDTC ----- The task is not complete as one or more of its dependencies failed. Duration: 0 seconds MSDTC Network Access -------------------- Analysis Result: Failed. MSDTC is not configured correctly. Please refer to the help file for instructions on how to correct the following problems: The following MSDTC options are not set correctly: Duration: 0 seconds MSDTC Server Running -------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The service MSDTC is started. Duration: 0 seconds Database Symmetric Keys ----------------------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds edited_K2 --------- Analysis Result: Passed. Symmetric key for the edited_K2 database has been detected. Duration: 0 seconds K2SmartBroker ------------- Analysis Result: Passed. Symmetric key for the K2SmartBroker database has been detected. Duration: 0.0292969 seconds K2SQLUM ------- Analysis Result: Passed. Symmetric key for the K2SQLUM database has been detected. Duration: 0.0390625 seconds K2SmartBox ---------- Analysis Result: Passed. Symmetric key for the K2SmartBox database has been detected. Duration: 0.0341797 seconds Registry Permissions -------------------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds LocalMachine ------------ "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds Software -------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\SourceCode\Logging ---------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account INSTALL\k2server has Full Control permissions for LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\SourceCode\Logging. Duration: 0.0156301 seconds LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Tracing ----------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account INSTALL\k2server has Full Control permissions for LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Tracing. Duration: 0 seconds LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Tracing\MSDTC ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account INSTALL\k2server has Read Key permissions for LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Tracing\MSDTC. Duration: 0 seconds LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Tracing\MSDTC\Misc ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account INSTALL\k2server has Read Key permissions for LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Tracing\MSDTC\Misc. Duration: 0.0156301 seconds LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters ----------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. "The account INSTALL\k2server has Read Key, Create Subkey, and Set Value permissions for LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters." Duration: 0.0156301 seconds LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters\MachineCache ------------------------------------------------------------ Analysis Result: Passed. "The account INSTALL\k2server has Read Key, Create Subkey, and Set Value permissions for LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters\MachineCache." Duration: 0 seconds LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters\Security -------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. "The account INSTALL\k2server has Read Key, Create Subkey, and Set Value permissions for LocalMachine\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSMQ\Parameters\Security." Duration: 0 seconds System ------ "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds LocalMachine\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog ------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account INSTALL\k2server has Full Control permissions for LocalMachine\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog. Duration: 0.0156301 seconds LocalMachine\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock2 ------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account INSTALL\k2server has Full Control permissions for LocalMachine\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Winsock2. Duration: 0 seconds LocalMachine\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application ------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. "The account INSTALL\k2server has Read Key, Create Subkey, and Set Value permissions for LocalMachine\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Eventlog\Application." Duration: 0.0156301 seconds K2 Workspace ------------ "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds Loopback Host Headers --------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. This machine allows loopback HTTP connections on host names other than localhost. Duration: 0 seconds IIS Static Content Feature -------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. Static Content is enabled on this Web Server. Duration: 0 seconds Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects ------------------------------------------ Analysis Result: Warning. Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects is not installed. This must be installed on the environment where K2 Runtime Web Services are hosted and where workflow projects are deployed from. NOTE: K2 Studio requires the Visual Studio 2010 version of the Web Deployment Projects. K2 Designer for Visual Studio requires the version of Web Deployment Projects for the installed version of Visual Studio. You can download the Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects installation from the Microsoft Download Center by clicking on the link below. "SourceCode.Configuration.Checklist.Presentation.HyperLink, Text: Web Deployment Projects Download" Duration: 0.0468903 seconds IIS Permissions --------------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds K2Workspace - Set Site Negotiation ---------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. Authentication options is set to NTLM Authentication. A Service Principal Name has not been detected for application pool user INSTALL\administrator of the K2Workspace site. The site has the recommended authentication options. Current Settings: Windows Authentication: True Anonymous Authentication: False Forms Authentication: False Use Kernel Mode Authentication: True Use Application Pool Credentials: True Duration: 15.8101411 seconds Workspace - Set Virtual Directory Negotiation --------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. Authentication options is set to NTLM Authentication. A Service Principal Name has not been detected for application pool user INSTALL\administrator of the K2Workspace virtual directory. The virtual directory has the recommended authentication options. Current Settings: Windows Authentication: True Anonymous Authentication: False Forms Authentication: False Use Kernel Mode Authentication: True Use Application Pool Credentials: True Duration: 15.7827886 seconds RuntimeServices - Set Virtual Directory Negotiation --------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. Authentication options is set to NTLM Authentication. A Service Principal Name has not been detected for application pool user INSTALL\administrator of the K2Workspace virtual directory. The virtual directory has the recommended authentication options. Current Settings: Windows Authentication: True Anonymous Authentication: False Forms Authentication: False Use Kernel Mode Authentication: True Use Application Pool Credentials: True Duration: 15.8267755 seconds View Flow - Set Virtual Directory Negotiation --------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. Authentication options is set to NTLM Authentication. A Service Principal Name has not been detected for application pool user INSTALL\administrator of the K2Workspace virtual directory. The virtual directory has the recommended authentication options. Current Settings: Windows Authentication: True Anonymous Authentication: False Forms Authentication: False Use Kernel Mode Authentication: True Use Application Pool Credentials: True Duration: 15.9111172 seconds K2Services - Set Virtual Directory Negotiation ---------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. "Authentication options is set to NTLM,Negotiate and Anonymous Authentication." A Service Principal Name has not been detected for application pool user INSTALL\administrator of the K2Workspace virtual directory. The virtual directory has the recommended authentication options. Current Settings: Windows Authentication: True Anonymous Authentication: True Forms Authentication: False Use Kernel Mode Authentication: True Use Application Pool Credentials: True Duration: 15.7309931 seconds K2Services - Set Virtual Directory Anonymous Authentication ----------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. Authentication options is set to Anonymous Authentication. The K2Services virtual directory has the correct Anonymous authentication option. Current Settings: Windows Authentication: True Anonymous Authentication: True Forms Authentication: False Duration: 0.7501296 seconds K2 Application Pool Settings ---------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The application pool account is assigned correctly. Application Pool: workspace appoool User Account: INSTALL\administrator Duration: 0.156301 seconds K2 Application Pool Account Permissions --------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. "The account Administrator exists in group ""IIS_IUSRS""." Duration: 0.0625204 seconds K2 Application Pool Managed Pipeline Mode ----------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The application pool managed pipeline mode is set correctly to Classic. Application Pool: workspace appoool Managed Pipeline Mode: Classic Duration: 0.1719311 seconds File System Permissions ----------------------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds C:\Windows\Temp --------------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds INSTALL\administrator --------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account INSTALL\Administrator has Modify permissions on C:\Windows\Temp. Duration: 0.1406493 seconds Authenticated Users ------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users has Modify permissions on C:\Windows\Temp. Duration: 0.0156277 seconds C:\Program Files (x86)\K2 blackpearl\WebServices\RuntimeServices ---------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account INSTALL\Administrator has Read and Execute permissions on C:\Program Files (x86)\K2 blackpearl\WebServices\RuntimeServices. Duration: 0.7971171 seconds C:\Program Files (x86)\K2 blackpearl\WorkSpace\ClientEventPages --------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. "The account NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users has Delete, Delete Subdirectories and Files, Traverse, Append, Write Data, and List Directory permissions on C:\Program Files (x86)\K2 blackpearl\WorkSpace\ClientEventPages." Duration: 0.0156295 seconds K2 for SharePoint 2010 ---------------------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds K2 for SharePoint Resource Files -------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The K2 SharePoint resource files have been copied to the SharePoint Central Administration site. File: 'k2configadmin.resx' Path: 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\6240\App_GlobalResources' Duration: 0 seconds Permission required to deploy SPWI processes -------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Information. Users that deploy SharePoint Workflow Integration processes must be part of the Farm Administrators and the Site Collection Administrators groups. Duration: 0 seconds K2 Server Service Account Permissions ------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Information. The K2 Server Service Account INSTALL\k2server has to be a member of the Site Collection Administrators group for all Site Collections that will be using K2. Duration: 0 seconds Loopback Host Headers --------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. This machine allows loopback HTTP connections on host names other than localhost. Duration: 0 seconds Cross-Domain Data Connections ----------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. SharePoint is configured for cross-domain data connections. Duration: 0.0156277 seconds Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects ------------------------------------------ Analysis Result: Warning. Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects is not installed. This must be installed on the environment where K2 Runtime Web Services are hosted and where workflow projects are deployed from. NOTE: K2 Studio requires the Visual Studio 2010 version of the Web Deployment Projects. K2 Designer for Visual Studio requires the version of Web Deployment Projects for the installed version of Visual Studio. You can download the Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects installation from the Microsoft Download Center by clicking on the link below. "SourceCode.Configuration.Checklist.Presentation.HyperLink, Text: Web Deployment Projects Download" Duration: 0.0625108 seconds File System Permissions ----------------------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds C:\Windows\Temp --------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users has Modify permissions on C:\Windows\Temp. Duration: 0.031255 seconds C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\Template\Features ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users has Full Control permissions on C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\Template\Features. Duration: 0.0156273 seconds C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\Template\Features ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users has Full Control permissions on C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\Template\Features. Duration: 0 seconds C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\ISAPI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users has Full Control permissions on C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\ISAPI. Duration: 0.0156273 seconds C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\Template\Layouts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users has Full Control permissions on C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\Template\Layouts. Duration: 0.0156273 seconds C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\Template\Layouts ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users has Full Control permissions on C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\Template\Layouts. Duration: 0.0156273 seconds K2 Designer for SharePoint 2010 ------------------------------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds Database Permissions -------------------- Analysis Result: Information. "When activating this feature, the Deployment Application Pool User Account selected from within SharePoint Central Administration will be used to implement the following:" NOTE: The Central Admin Application Pool User Account must be part of one of the following recommended server roles on the SQL instance to create a SQL Login: Duration: 0 seconds Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects ------------------------------------------ Analysis Result: Warning. Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects is not installed. This must be installed on the environment where K2 Runtime Web Services are hosted and where workflow projects are deployed from. NOTE: K2 Studio requires the Visual Studio 2010 version of the Web Deployment Projects. K2 Designer for Visual Studio requires the version of Web Deployment Projects for the installed version of Visual Studio. You can download the Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects installation from the Microsoft Download Center by clicking on the link below. "SourceCode.Configuration.Checklist.Presentation.HyperLink, Text: Web Deployment Projects Download" Duration: 0.0781365 seconds File System Permissions ----------------------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds C:\Program Files (x86)\K2 blackpearl\Processes ---------------------------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users has Modify permissions on C:\Program Files (x86)\K2 blackpearl\Processes. Duration: 0.0156273 seconds C:\ProgramData\SourceCode ------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users has Full Control permissions on C:\ProgramData\SourceCode. Duration: 0.0156273 seconds K2 for Visual Studio Core ------------------------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects ------------------------------------------ Analysis Result: Warning. Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects is not installed. This must be installed on the environment where K2 Runtime Web Services are hosted and where workflow projects are deployed from. NOTE: K2 Studio requires the Visual Studio 2010 version of the Web Deployment Projects. K2 Designer for Visual Studio requires the version of Web Deployment Projects for the installed version of Visual Studio. You can download the Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects installation from the Microsoft Download Center by clicking on the link below. "SourceCode.Configuration.Checklist.Presentation.HyperLink, Text: Web Deployment Projects Download" Duration: 0.0625092 seconds File System Permissions ----------------------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds C:\ProgramData\SourceCode ------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users has Full Control permissions on C:\ProgramData\SourceCode. Duration: 0.0156273 seconds K2 Studio --------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects ------------------------------------------ Analysis Result: Warning. Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects is not installed. This must be installed on the environment where K2 Runtime Web Services are hosted and where workflow projects are deployed from. NOTE: K2 Studio requires the Visual Studio 2010 version of the Web Deployment Projects. K2 Designer for Visual Studio requires the version of Web Deployment Projects for the installed version of Visual Studio. You can download the Visual Studio 2010 Web Deployment Projects installation from the Microsoft Download Center by clicking on the link below. "SourceCode.Configuration.Checklist.Presentation.HyperLink, Text: Web Deployment Projects Download" Duration: 0.0468819 seconds File System Permissions ----------------------- "Analysis complete, with no errors." Duration: 0 seconds C:\ProgramData\SourceCode ------------------------- Analysis Result: Passed. The account NT AUTHORITY\Authenticated Users has Full Control permissions on C:\ProgramData\SourceCode. Duration: 0.0156273 seconds