K2 blackpearl Product Documentation: Installation and Configuration Guide
Hardware Prerequisites

Hardware Prerequisites

The following guidelines should be followed for hardware selection when installing from an installation media such as a DVD:

Component Requirement

Computer and Processor

Minimum: Server with processor speed of 2.5 gigahertz (GHz) or higher


  • 64 bit wherever possible
  • Multiple AMD64 or Intel x86_64 multi-core CPUs
    IA 64 – Intel Itanium 64 CPU is NOT supported

*32-bit and 64-bit support


K2 Server

  • 4 GB min
  • 8 GB recommended (especially if 64 bit servers are used)

SQL Server

  • Recommend at least twice the amount of K2 server as a starting point

Hard Disk

K2 Server

  • 2 GB

 K2 workspace

  • 2 GB


  • 2 GB

SQL Server

  • Minimum 10 GB
  • Recommend 20 GB to start


  • 2 GB


1024x768 or higher resolution monitor


100 megabits per second (Mbps) connection speed required for farm deployment

56 kilobits per second (Kbps) required for client to server connection

E-mail Notifications

Internet Simple Mail Transfer Protocol/Post Office Protocol 3 (SMTP/POP3)


Internet Message Access Protocol 4 (IMAP4)

Additional space will be required if a downloaded version of the installation is to be copied onto the servers and workstations.
Full K2 blackpearl Installation 1.5 GB ( x2 for extraction )
K2 blackpearl Update Only 1 GB ( x2 for extraction )

If you are installing a single server environment, it is recommended that you have more RAM and a larger processor in order to have acceptable performance. If you are separating out the components onto multiple tiers, those tiers should be sized appropriately based on usage and performance requirements.

While infrastructure changes are required by K2, each environment is different and has its peculiarities which must be taken into account. Modifying the infrastructure could have unforeseen results if the changes are not appropriately understood or managed. Given the broad spectrum of underlying infrastructure utilized, it is recommended that a panel or committee with appropriate skill in each area concerned be assembled to outline the underlying infrastructure changes and gauge the impact of the required changes.



K2 blackpearl Product Documentation: Installation and Configuration Guide 4.6.11