K2 blackpearl Product Documentation: Installation and Configuration Guide
IIS Group Membership

Formerly in Windows Server 2003, the group used by IIS was called “IIS_WPG”, this group is no longer available under Windows Server 2008 and has been renamed to “IIS_IUSRS”.  The new group for IIS can be located by following these steps: 

The following steps cannot be performed from an Active Directory machine

Click Start to open the Windows Start menu

Highlight Computer and right click, select Manage

When the Server Manager opens, open the following nodes: Configuration > Local Users and Groups > Groups 

Under groups the IIS_IURS group can be located as shown below

The account for the Workspace Application Pool must be added to this group, which is demonstrated in the image, or to Add a new User Account:

  1. Click Add
  2. Enter the name of the User account in part or whole into the Add User field
  3. Click Check Names, to confirm the name or make a selection if there are more than one with similar naming
  4. Click OK
  5. Click OK when complete


While infrastructure changes are required by K2, each environment is different and has its peculiarities which must be taken into account. Modifying the infrastructure could have unforeseen results if the changes are not appropriately understood or managed. Given the broad spectrum of underlying infrastructure utilized, it is recommended that a panel or committee with appropriate skill in each area concerned be assembled to outline the underlying infrastructure changes and gauge the impact of the required changes.



K2 blackpearl Product Documentation: Installation and Configuration Guide 4.6.10