IPC Event

What does the IPC Event Wizard Do?

The IPC (Inter Process Communication) Event wizard allows you to start another process from within the current process. The child process can be called at any point during the parent process and runs within the context of an activity.

The parent and child processes must be configured to complete either synchronously or asynchronously. This enables parent processes to either continue on or wait for the child process to end. If the IPC event is not configured correctly, either the parent and or the child process may not complete, may go into error, or may not run as exected.

Why use the IPC Event Wizard?

The IPC Event wizard enables you to link different workflows together using synchronous or asynchronous execution options.

You probably have many processes that enable your business operations to run effectively. The IPC Event wizard enables one or more processes to run in the context of an existing process. The advantage of the IPC is that larger processes can be broken down into relevant and contained operations. In that configuration, a smaller process is called to complete a specific task or to gather information without affecting the main business operation. This improves efficiency and enables completely independent processes to be planned and completed independently, but controlled by the main (parent) process.

The type of business operation that benefits from this type of model is the case-based solution, where many different business operations may be done as a part of a single case, yet the specific order and sub processes cannot be predetermined, and are most likely created in an ad-hoc fashion. Furthermore, due to the nature of a case-based solution, multiple sub-processes may be called more than once throughout the life cycle of the solution, and IPC events are suited for this type of process recursion.

If you call the child process and the parent process continues, both processes are typically successful. If you call the child process and the parent process must wait, then the parent process may go into an error if the child process can't complete, so you must be careful to plan out how child processes are called from the parent process, and handle situations in which the child process may go into an error state and affect the parent process.

Use the Plan per slot (no destinations) destination rule option for the IPC activity if you want to call a dynamic number of sub processes based on XML or SmartObject data. This is a good solution when you may have an unknown number of sub processes to call. Keep in mind that you should setup a succeeding rule to ensure that all slots have completed before the activity continues. In the event where a succeeding rule is not in place, only the first slot is taken into account and the activity continues as soon as that slot is completed. See Troubleshooting - Multiple slots created but not executed for more information.

Using the IPC Event Wizard

The IPC Event wizard is available within the Event Wizards section of the K2 Toolbar. To load the IPC Event onto the canvas, click and drag it onto the design canvas. The IPC Event wizard appears.