Default Client Event

What does the Default Client Event wizard do?

The Default Client Event wizard generates an event for workflow users to participate in the process. They are assigned a task to take an action and notified when they have a new task on their worklist.

Why use the Default Client Event?

A client event (as opposed to a server event) is that point in the process that requires some human interaction, i.e. a workflow participant is required to do something. The client event facilitates the interaction with a workflow participant to complete actions, such as approving a request. client events define the actual points of interaction between the participants and the process. Adding events (client and server) entails considering:

  1. What needs to be done?
  2. The sequence in which it needs to happen?
  3. Who needs to be involved (participants) - and at what stage?
  4. What data the event needs?
  5. The sequencing and the participants are particularly important - as they provide clues as to when multiple events can be added to the same activity.