A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


An action is a business concept that represents a list of instructions for the Workflow server. This entails setting Data/XML field values and performing one of the Server Tasks, like Update, Finish, Redirect, Release and GotoActivity. Security Rights are configured between Actions, WorklistHeaders and Destinations. (User/Group or Role). Currently, no security rights exist on the Server Actions which are being considered for future releases.

Actions and Outcomes
Allows process designers to separate what decisions, or Actions, users are able to perform and the results, or Outcomes, of those decisions.

A set of logical steps within a process or workflow - what must happen for the process to achieve its goal

A single logical step within a process or workflow - one step of what must happen for the process to achieve its goal

Activity Instance
Activity Instance is an instance based on an Activity Definition. Many instances can exist for an Activity. Each instance contains unique data and/or configuration. An ActivityInstance is created when a certain path is followed in the process. The instance is created by a LineInstance and only when the Line Rule for that instance has evaluated to true. The ActivityInstance are responsible for the Preceding Rule(Should the ActivityInstance start-true/false), StartRule(When should the ActivityInstance start- datetime) and the Destination Rule (Plan option, Slot configuration, KeepInSync settings, resolving configuration and the actual Destinations that will be used. This acts as the definition for an ActInstDest). The ActInst will hold a collection of all the ActInstDests created.

Activity Instance Destination
Activity Instance Destination is a container that holds the instances of the events. Each ActInstDest has one serial number. This serial number is used for Client, IPC and Server events. The number of ActInstDests created will depend on settings configured in the destination rule. Each ActInstDest contains a list of Destinations its responsible for, the amount of Slots available and a copy of the Data/XML Fields that will be unique for the ActInstDest. The ActInsDest is also responsible for executing the succeeding rule. That’s why the succeeding rule will be executed after every ActIsntDest is completed. If the succeeding rule is true, all other active ActInstDests will be expired. All event instances in the ActInstDest will be executed only once. Each ActInstDest will only create one Event Instance for every Event as per definition.

Activity Rule
Conditions associated with the initiation and completion of an activity. Including the Start Rule, Preceding Rule, Destination Rule, Escalation Rule and Succeeding Rule

Activity Rules
Conditions associated with the initiation and completion of an activity. Including the Start Rule, Preceding Rule, Destination Rule, Escalation Rule and Succeeding Rule

Activity Slots
Also known as Destination Slots, define the number of participants required to be actively working on or attending to the work items generated by the activity

Automatic SmartObject Versioning
SmartObjects are automatically versioned by the K2 Host Environment


Boolean Operators
Logical connection functions also known as truth operators, which logically combine two (or more) statements and evaluate to true or false (OR, AND XOR)

Business Process Management

Business Entity Integration
Wizard-based integration with business entities to retrieve and update data in line-of-business systems

Business Logic
All the business aspects of a getting a job - how it is done; who is involved; what decisions need to be made, etc.


Client Event
A point in the process which requires some human interaction; i.e. a workflow participant is required to do something

Client Events
Actions within the workflow process that require a workflow participant to do something (human action required)

An application or item of software that functions as part of a system or independently. A software component may have dependencies to function.

The process of capturing environmental details followed by an automated process of configuring the environment.

Content Type
Content Types in SharePoint provides a means of defining and organizing items in a more meaningful way. A content type is a reusable collection of settings that can be applied to a certain category of content. Use Content Types to define and manage metadata and behaviors of documents and list items in a centralized, reusable way. Content Types also enables the storage of different types of content in the same document libraries and lists.


Data on Demand
Only loading the information / data associated with a particular worklist item when the user opens the particular worklist item

Delegate is a sharing of a worklist item. No ownership transfer will take place. The item still belongs to the original user. Delegation is purely based on rights. The user can only perform the Actions that has been delegated to him. Only actions that are available to the Original user can be delegated. The original user can still complete the task, which will take away the rights of the delegated user as well, and visa versa. If there is only one slot, the item is opened by the original user. The item will show Allocated to the Delegated user as he does not own a slot, and all slots have been used up. The item will also show the actual user the item belongs to. (The same as with Worklist Sharing). Any action performed will be recorded as "..On behalf of …"

Required output from a process

The software components that an item of software requires to function. Dependencies may be user applications, SDK, DLLs or other items of software.

The software components that an item of software requires to function. Dependencies may be user applications, SDK, DLLs or other items of software.

Design Canvas
Interface within K2 blackpearl where processes can be designed graphically

Destination is an abstract definition for a User, Role or a Group.

Destination Participants
The target participants who will be responsible for completing the events that makes up the activity

Destination Rule Options
Resolve all Group/Roles to users This setting determines if the Roles and Groups should be flattened to users, and that each user should be added as a Destination instead of the role/group being a Destination itself. Resolving a Role/Group makes the Destinations static and will not change in the lifetime of the Activity Instance. 1. Create a Slot for each destination This is a setting that will determine the total number of slots that needs to be created. If this option is checked, the count will be adjusted to the amount of Destinations added in the Destination Rule. This count can be influenced by the “Resolve all Group/Role to users” setting. If a user and a group is added, and the Resolve setting is true. The group will be resolved to let’s say 3 users. The Slot count will = 4 in total. So if you are using the Plan per destination, there will be 4 ActInstDests created. 2. Keep in sync Keep in sync is an Advanced option, and will enable the Activity Instance to monitor any changes that may occur in the Roles or Groups that is currently assigned to the Activity instance. When a user is added or removed, the ActInst will react, by adjusting the slots (if slot per destination is checked), Create new or Expire ActInstDests (if the plan option is Plan per destination). In case of plan once, only the Slots will be adjusted to keep the Succeeding Rule behaving as it should. (All Slots = Completed).

Destination Set
In K2.net 2003 known as the Destination Queue

Destination Slots
Also known as Activity Slots, define the number of participants required to be actively working on or attending to the work items generated by the activity


E-mail Notifications
Wizard-based template for sending process and business data via e-mail


End User License Agreement

Units of work within an activity, essentially defines how an activity is completed. There can be multiple events linked to an activity - these events are executed sequentially (top to bottom)

Event Bus
Trigger processes from events fired in 3rd party applications

Units of work within an activity, essentially defines how an activity is completed. There can be multiple events linked to an activity - these events are executed sequentially (top to bottom)

Events Instance
Event Instance, is an instance created from an Event Definition. The event Instance is contained by the ActInstDest. The event Instance is responsible for the Event Succeeding rule. The Event Succeeding rule determines if the event should complete. Currently it only makes sense in a Client Event. The succeeding rule will be executed every time a slot is completed for this event instance.


Internet Information Service

IIS Reset
This command, run from a command prompt will reset the IIS Service. Care must be exercised when performed as any and all Web site hosted by the service will be unavailable during the reset.

The automated process of copying software items from a local source to a local hard drive

This refers to the person or individual representing the organization that is installing K2 [blackpearl].

A single occurrence of a process. Each time a process is started a new process instance is created.

Inter Process Communication
Wizard-based template for starting or communicating with other processes running in the environment


Product branding for SourceCode

Access K2 functionality and data via standard .NET classes

K2 blackpearl
The graphical drag-and-drop workflow design & development interface of K2 blackpearl - enabling rapid workflow process design and automation

K2 Configuration Tool
The application the configures the K2 [blackpearl] environment once the installation of K2 [blackpearl] is complete

K2 Designer for SharePoint
A graphical process designer hosted within a SharePoint environment that enables business users to create SharePoint-based applications

K2 Designer for Visual Studio
A graphical process designer hosted within Visual Studio 2005 that enables developers to create complex applications

K2 Environment
An environment consisting of K2 Platform components either in a standalone or distributed configuration.

K2 Glossary

K2 Installer
The application that installs K2 [blackpearl]

K2 Object Browser
Tree-view control giving process designers access to configuration and environment information, process data and SmartObject data

K2 Report Designer
A web-based designer for building reports based on process data and business information surfaced in the K2 environment

K2 Server
The engine room of the K2 workflow solution. K2 Server provides a scalable, reliable and secure .NET based platform for automating all workflow processes

K2 SmartBox
K2 SmartBox acts as a back end system for K2 blackpearl creating and storing business objects that do not exist in the other back end systems.

K2 Studio
A graphical process designer hosted in an Office-like application that enables business users to create complex applications

K2 Worklist
Provides a single location that displays all tasks assigned to a user


Permission either temporary or for a term to utilize said software in terms of an EULA between the Software vendor and the user. The user is anyone you uses the software, whether that be an individual, a group of individuals, an organization, etc.

Line Instance
Line Instance is an instance of a Line definition. There can be more than one instance for a Line definition. Each instance contains unique data or configuration based on the definition of the Line.

Line Rule
A logical condition associated with a line. If a line rule evaluates that line is followed. Note: every valid path is followed, if there is no valid path the process will stop.

Lines define the available paths for work to follow in a process. The specific path followed is determined by which line rules evaluate to true.

Line of Business


The local machine is the machine where the person or individual is currently working. This includes a remote session but excludes installing software from a network share.


Managed Users
Managed Users are determined by the User Manager. When enabled, it allows a managed user to see the list of names in his worklist that he is managing. It is also a view of that user’s task list. The current limitation here is that the managed user can only see the items directly assigned to the destination user, and not he items shared or delegated to him.

Management console
Web-based access to administrative features of K2 servers

Data about other data, commonly divided into descriptive metadata such as bibliographic information, structural metadata about formats and structures, and administrative metadata, which is used to manage information


Out-of-box SmartObject Integration
Out-of-box integration with SAP, SalesForce.com, Active Directory, SQL Server Reporting Services, SharePoint and the K2 workflow server


A person involved in the process

Key role players (people) involved in the process

The different routes the work can follow as the process evolves (rolls-out)

Plan Options
There are 3 plan options. Each plan option can be executed in parallel or in serial. (All at Once, or One at a Time. These options don’t change the rules on how workitems are handled by the server) 1. Plan Once This option will only create one ActInstDest. The number of slots will be set on the ActInstDest, and all the Destinations defined in the DestRule will be copied to the Destinations collection of the ActInstDest. Because only one ActInstDest exists, the Client Event will only execute once. This is why there will only be one Worklist Header and one Serial number. So all destinations will have access to the same serial number(ActInstDest). Each response from the user will update the ActInstDest Data/XML fields. A slot will be created for that user and the Data/XML field values will copied to the slot and depending on the action performed, the slot will be completed, or remain Open to the user. 2. Plan per Destination This option will create an ActInstDest for every Destination. The events will be executed once for every ActInstDest. Each destination will have its own Serial number, and because a client event is executed, each destination will have its own WorklistHeader. The slot property for the ActInstDest will always be set to 1. (Don’t confuse this slot property with the one configured in the DestRule, which is the total number of slots for the ActInst.) The Destinations Collection for the ActInstDest will contain only one Destination. When a user responds to the worklistItem, the ActInstDest Data/XML fields are updated, a slot is created for the user and the Data/XML fields are copied to the slot for that user and depending on the action performed, the slot will be completed, or remain Open to the user. If the slot is completed and because of the ActInstDest slot property = 1, the event Succeeding rule is executed and will evaluate to true (All slots = completed) and the ActInstDest will continue to execute the remaining event instances, and eventually the Succeeding rule of the ActInstDest will execute. This will repeat until all ActInstDests are completed or the first time the SucRule evaluates to true. Plan per Slot This option works exactly the same as Plan per Destination, except that there are no Destinations configured for this option. The ActInstDest rule will still execute as normal, but the Destinations are ignored. The slot count will be used to determine how many ActInstDests should be created. This option will normally be used in conjunction with server events or IPC events that require no user action. Because there are no Destinations and no ClientEvents, no WorklistHeaders will exist. So there is no need to create Slots when the SerialNumber is completed. Let’s use IPC as an example. The IPC will execute synchronously and once the IPC is returned from the Child Process, the event is completed, the Data/XML fields will be updated, the Event Succeeding Rule will fire and will evaluate to true by default. The ActInstDest will continue to execute the remaining events and the Succeeding Rule will be evaluated. This works the same with Server Events.

A simple structured set of activities designed to produce a specific output. A process, once designed within the K2 blackpearl Studio environment, is exported to the K2 Server where it is executed.

Process and Activity Data
Data fields that can be used within a process to store process-specific information

Process Definition Sharing
Work with process designs across multiple designers, enabling collaboration among business and technical users

A collection of processes defined with K2 blackpearl

Properties or a property refers to the intrinsic or extrinsic qualities of objects—where an "object" may be of any differing nature, depending on the context and field — be it computing, philosophy, etc.


This is a Server Action that will move a Worklist item from one user to another. The Worklist Item status is left unchanged. If the item is Open, it will remain open on the destination user’s worklist. This is a Slot ownership transfer. The data will also be intact as they are stored as part of the slot. So user 3 will be able to see the changes in data/xml fields made by User 1. If the item is available, it will remain available on the worklist of user 3. There is no slot allocated, so the rules stay the same if the item is available or allocated, based on the Available slots. All rights assigned to the original user is moved to the Redirected user.

Project references are used to access the properties, methods, and events of a defined object and apply them to your programming.

Role-Based task assignment
Assign tasks to dynamically resolved roles to provide more flexibility in your applications

A principle or condition that the workflow needs to satisfy (follow)

Rules Designer
Build business logic that can be used in all your applications


Server Event
A piece of code executed server side - essentially a computer program run at a specified point in a process

Services are application protocols exposing a system's objects and methods for use within other applications.

SharePoint Internal Name
The SharePoint Internal Name is a different name to the Display name used in SharePoint.  The SharePoint Internal Name is the name that was provided by SharePoint to the Field when it was created and that will always be associated with the Site Column (Field).

Site Collection
A site collection is a web site that can contain sub-sites, which all share the same owner and administrators of the top level site collection. A site collection controls global settings that sub-sites underneath it inherit. Settings can include permissions, storage quotas, and themes, etc.

A slot is a placeholder that captures the response from the user for a specific task. A slot contains XML/Data field values for a specific user’s response. Only a user can own a slot, a group or a role cannot respond to a task. Many slots can exist for a Worklist Header. When a WorkListItem is opened, that user Allocates a slot, which allows the user to respond to the task by capturing his own data and executing an action

SmartObjects are business entities that aggregate data across applications and Line-of-Business systems. SmartObjects are reusable objects that surface in K2 for Visual Studio, and K2 Workspace. SmartObjects are created in K2 Designer for Visual Studio.

SmartObject Designer
A graphical design interface for building composite business entities

SmartObject integration with InfoPath
Wizard-driven access to SmartObject data and methods directly from a standalone InfoPath form

SmartObject Properties
The K2 SmartObject Properties are the attributes that define the object they are things like First Name, Last Name, Social Security Number, department and so on.

Create reusable business entities (employees, invoices, customers) called K2 SmartObjects that encapsulate data and methods stored in K2 blackpearl or other 3rd party systems like SAP

A Solution logically and visually group various K2 projects together in the K2 blackpearl environment. It need not have any bearing on the physical workflow environment.

SQL Server Reporting Services
K2 reporting environment is integrated with SQL Server Reporting Services to provide flexible, standards-based report capabilities

People or organizations who have a vested interest in the environment, performance and/or outcome of the process

Start Activity
The first activity within the process chain

Generic term that refers to a system of computers and software as a whole, and may describe the relationship between software and hardware collectively or as separate items.


Target System
The machine where the installation will take place

This is a business user concept and is represented on a technical level as a WorklistHeader. A serial number consists of the ProcInstId and the ActInstDestID (8_10). Each task has a unique serial number. A serial number is owned by an ActivityInstanceDestination. In case of a Client Event, a Worklist Header is created, that identifies the SerialNumber as a User Task.

Task List
List of all the work assigned (or potentially assigned) to a participant

Task Wizards
K2 provides built-in wizards to configure standard task actions, like retrieving information from a user, sending e-mail or updating a back-end system

The event that results in the process being started. Triggers include dates, human actions or other processes.

Truth Operators
Logical connection functions known as Boolean operators - in mathematics - which combine two (or more) statements and evaluate to true or false


user form
An html based page which is provided as part of a process which includes data fields, buttons and other controls which enable the information worker to affect a process.


Workflow describes how work is defined, allocated and scheduled - in short it describes how work flows or gets done within an organization

Working Hours
The times when work items are active - normally corresponds to the times employees are expected to be at the disposal of the employer

List of all the work assigned (or potentially assigned) to a participant

Worklist Header
A Worklist Header is responsible for identifying a serial number as a user task item created by a client event. It stores the platform, serial number, slots available, total slots and the Data for the serial number which is better known as the Task item URL. This is what you will see on the your worklist

Worklist Sharing
Worklist Sharing works the same as Delegation. Worklist Sharing is a view of another user’s worklist based on criteria. Worklist sharing is on the worklist level, where delegation is on an item. Out of Office is an implementation on top of Worklist Sharing. It is just a different sharing type. Worklist share is based on a Worklist Criteria and Users that can it applies to. With worklist sharing, the items are displayed as part of the Destination Users’ items with an extra column indicating the original user of the item.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)