Starting the Process and Data Transfer

Starting the Process and Data Transfer

Data Direction

The data direction is always taken with reference to the Parent Process. Data is passed at the process level between the parent and child processes.

Data between the parent and child processes is passed in, out or bi directionally between the Parent and Child processes. 

IPC Data Direction

Fig.1 Data Direction

Feature How it functions
Receive data from child process Data is sent from the mapped field in the child process to the parent process
Send data to child process Data is sent from the mapped field in the parent process to the child process
Send data to child process and receive data back upon completion

Data is sent from the mapped field in the parent process to the child process. Data is received back from the child process when the child process is complete.

Applies to a Synchronous IPC configuration where the parent process waits for the child process to complete.

Starting a SharePoint Workflow Integration process with an IPC Event is not supported in K2 blackpearl.  A SharePoint Workflow Integration process can only be started using SharePoint. 



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)