Role Methods

Task Allocation SmartObject - Role Methods

The Role Methods comprise of the following:

Single Method

The following single methods can be found by opening the Environment tab in the Context Browser, then navigating to the Task Allocation category and expanding the Single Method of the TaskAllocationRoleMethods SmartObject.

Select the Property and click Add.

Fig. 1. Single Method

Property What it is How to use it
User Name The name of the User Select User Name and click Add

The SmartObject Wizard opens and the Input Mapping screen is displayed. Assign mappings by clicking on Assign and specifying the values for the required input properties. Click Next.

Fig. 2. Input Mapping screen

The Select a Return Property screen is displayed. Select the property to be returned. Click Finish.

Fig. 3. Select a Return property

List Method

The following list method can be found by opening the Environment tab in the Context Browser, then navigating to the Task Allocation category and expanding the List Method of the TaskAllocationRoleMethods SmartObject.

Select the Property and click Add.

Fig. 4. List Method

Property What it is How to use it
User Name The name of the User Select User Name and click Add

The SmartObject Wizard opens and the Input Mapping screen is displayed. Assign mappings by clicking on Assign and specifying the values for the required input properties. Click Next.

Fig. 5. Input Mapping screen

The Filter screen is displayed. A Filter can be applied to decrease the number of results to be returned. Click Next.

Fig. 6. SmartObject Filter screen

The Select a Return Property screen is displayed. Select the property to be returned. Click Finish.

Fig. 7. Select a Return property

See Also



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