K2 Studio File Tab

K2 Studio - File Tab

K2 Studio is accessed by clicking on the K2 Studio link available in the Start> All Programs> K2 blackpearl menu

The file tab enables users to interact with K2 Studio files, file locations and data sources.

File Menu

Item Description
Save Saves the current project and files which are currently open.
K2 Studio Open Opens an existing
K2 Studio Deploy Deploys the current active project to the K2 Server
K2 Studio Print Opens the windows Print dialog.
K2 Studio Close Closes the project which is currently open
Recent Displays the list of recent projects
K2 Studio New Project | Process Opens open the project Dialog. The enables the users to start a new K2 Project Type using a K2 Project Type Template
K2 Studio Options The Options menu item enables the user to establish connection settings and maintain general settings for K2 Studio
Help Loads the K2 Documentation*
Exit Exits the current session of k2 Studio
* The documentation will only open if it was installed



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)