K2 SmartActions Installation

Incoming E-mail Configuration

Incoming e-mails to the SmartActions mailbox are defined as those sent by a user to action a task or get help.

The Incoming E-mail Configuration panel is enabled by default but configured as an optional component if the SmartActions feature is not required. For SmartActions to function the main consideration is the availability of a dedicated e-mail account and for the mailbox to be accessible by the K2 Server. To complete this step in the installation the following items are required.

The account specified should fulfill the following requirements

  1. The account must NOT be a personal e-mail account
  2. Should only be an administrative account and dedicated for use by K2 SmartActions

K2 SmartActions - Incoming Email

Incoming E-mail Configuration

Enable SmartActions For Exchange

Enabled by default. K2 SmartActions requires a dedicated e-mail address for incoming messages. This panel will identify the respective exchange server, e-mail address and mail box details.
Use K2 Service Account Utilizing this option will extract the K2 Service Account details from Active Directory including the e-mail address. Note: if no mail box has been setup and configured for the K2 Service Account one must be created. 
Use specified account The specified account is a separate account that the K2 Server will use to access the mail box and process incoming e-mails.
User name password The user name and password for the specified account, which ideally is the K2 Server Service account.
E-mail Address The e-mail address configured specifically for the K2 Server to use SmartActions.

If the mailbox configured for SmartActions becomes full, SmartActions will fail and report an error stating that the mailbox is full. It is therefore important to regularly log into the mailbox as the configured account using OWA (Outlook Web App - previously called Outlook Web Access) and delete or archive SmartAction emails.

See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)