Event Notification Settings

Generic Wizard Screens - Event Notification Settings

The Event Notification Settings Wizard Screen allows a user to set whether an event notification should be sent to the Destination User.

This step in the wizard is optional, if no configuration is required click "Next" to continue

Event Notification Settings

Feature What it is How to use it
Notify participants when they receive a work item Activates the event notification. Select whether a notification should be sent to the destination user(s).
Customize the Notification Message

Specifies that a customized notification message should be sent to the selected destination users.

Selecting this option will open the Event Notification Message wizard page when the Next button is pressed.

Select whether to customize the notification setting.
From The address from which the email comes. Either enter the address directly or use the ellipsis buttons to open the context browser and build an expression for the address.
Cc The list of addresses to "carbon copy" the message to. Either enter the addresses directly or use the ellipsis buttons to open the context browser and build an expression for the addresses.
Bcc The list of addresses to "blind carbon copy" the message to. Either enter the addresses directly or use the ellipsis buttons to open the context browser and build an expression for the addresses.
Subject Supplies the customized subject line for the notification message. Type in the relevant Subject for the notification message in the supplied text box.
Attachments Lists either the files or the expressions / fields describing files  to attach to the message. Use the Browse button to select files to attach or the ellipsis buttons to open the context browser to drag fields describing the files.
See Also

Reference - Mail Event



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