Hot Keys

K2 Designer for Visual Studio 2012 - Hot Keys

Visual Studio 2010 provides many Hot Keys by default and the K2 Designer takes advantage of this by extending and providing additional Hot Keys for working with common K2 tasks.

What are Hot Keys?

Hot Keys enable users to work more quickly without having to leave the keyboard to utilize the mouse. Hot Keys provide quick access to common items needed when working within the development environment.

Using Hot Keys

To use a Hot Key, simply enter the required keystroke combination to complete the task. Many of the Hot Keys can be found by using the Menu option with the mouse the first time, and taking note of the Hot Key that appears to the right of the text for the menu item. Additionally, the documentation can be useful for finding more Hot Keys.

Below is a list of Hot Keys within the K2 Designer for Visual Studio:

Feature What it is
CTRL + K, CTRL + 2 Opens K2 Object Browser
CTRL + K, CTRL + E Opens K2 Process Management
CTRL + C Copy
CTRL + A Select All
CTRL + V Paste
F2 Edit Activity/Event/Line Label/Name
ESC If editing a text object (like an Activity Name or Description), exits edit mode

If selecting, cancels the selection

If dragging objects, cancels the drag

If creating a new line, cancels the line

If moving an existing line, disconnect it from the end activity and exit

Line-Drag mode (causing the line to snap back to its start activity)
ALT + ENTER Display the properties window
DELETE Delete the selected objects

Customizing Hot Keys

Hot Keys can be customized in Visual Studio by opening the Tools > Options menu, choosing the Keyboard option and changing the default Hot Keys.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.11 (4.12060.1731.0)