K2 Client Event Introduction

What does the Default Client Event Wizard Do?

The Default Client Event Wizard generates an automated Event which is sent to workflow participants, and is used to keep users up to date and notify them of new worklist items. 


Why use the Default Client Event


A client event is that point in the process that requires some human interaction; i.e. a workflow participant is required to do something. The Client Event facilitates the interaction with a workflow participant to complete an action/actions. Client Events define the actual points of interaction between the participants and the process. Adding events (client and server) entails considering:

  1. What needs to be done?
  2. The sequence in which it needs to happen?
  3. Who needs to be involved (participants) - and at what stage?
  4. What data the event needs?
  5. The sequencing and the participants are particularly important - as they provide clues as to when multiple events can be added to the same activity.



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