
K2 Management Console - Settings

The URM service limit is set to improve system performance. If set to No Limit all users and groups will be returned without paging and may result in reduced system performance.

Fig. 1. User Managers

Click on the Settings option, and configure the URM service instance:

Settings Item Description
No Limit All users / groups returned available from the service will be displayed without the benefit of paging. This may result is reduced system performance.
Specific value When the service instance is queried, the specified number of items is returned per page. For systems with a very high volume of users and groups this may result in improved system performance by only returning a specific number of items per page. A value between 0 – 100 or less is recommended. Exceeding this recommended value may negate the value of the feature.



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)