New Event Wizard - Notification

New Event Wizard - Notification

The Notification step in the New Event wizard allows the user to specify the details required to send the notification e-mail. 


Fig. 1. New Event Wizard Step 3 - Notification

Feature What it is How to use it
Object Browser Enables the user to browse and locate SmartObject properties linked to the method that can be used in the body of the e-mail by dragging and dropping the property into the e-mail body Browse and locate SmartObject properties linked to the method that can be used in the body of the e-mail by dragging and dropping the property into the e-mail body, if required
From Type the e-mail address of the sender Type the sender's e-mail address in the From box. (Required)
To Type the e-mail address of the recipient Type the recipients e-mail address in the To box . (Required)
Subject Type the subject of the e-mail in the Subject box Type a short description of the e-mail in the Subject box.
Message Format Defines the format of the e-mail.
  • The message in HTML format enables the developer to add SmartObject properties to the message content. These properties or fields are then place holders for contextual details that will be added to the e-mail at runtime when it is generated
  • The message in Plain Text format is static and will be delivered as typed at runtime
Select the HTML option button
E-mail Toolbar Provides the user with tools which can be used to edit the text in the e-mail body See E-mail Toolbar
E-mail body Type the content of the e-mail in the text scroll box Type the required message in the body of the e-mail. SmartObject properties can be dragged into text allowing data integration.
To set the From e-mail address for the K2 Server notifications change the "<sendmailfrom>" node located in C:\Program Files\K2 blackpearl\Host Server\Bin\SourceCode.EventBus.Server.config 



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)