Lists and Libraries - Orientation

What does the SharePoint Lists and Libraries Wizard Do?

The SharePoint Lists and Libraries Wizard is used to configure SharePoint Lists and Libraries, enabling the user to:

Why use the SharePoint Lists and Libraries Event?

SharePoint has several different types of lists and libraries that can be created. The SharePoint Lists and Libraries Wizard can help users create, update and delete lists automatically as part of a Workflow.

Creating, updating and deleting lists in SharePoint are an administrative task. Not all users are given this permission. In a production environment controlling who, when or if lists can be created, deleted or updated can have severe implications. Wrapping a process around this type of function is a common request and the K2 SharePoint Lists and Libraries event makes it easy to do.

Throughout the SharePoint Lists and Libraries Wizard, the term Lists and Libraries are used interchangeably.
See Also



K2 blackpearl Help 4.6.10 (4.12060.1690.0)